We share a catalog with over 25 area libraries. Search the catalog to find an item, then select place a hold to request it. Once it arrives, we’ll notify you and hold it for 7 days. If you’re unable to find the item, please call us at (224) 233-1841 or email asd@lincolnwoodlibrary.org.
Still looking? Ask about Interlibrary Loan Service
Lincolnwood residents can use our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Service to request materials from Illinois public, college and university libraries (I-Share and Find More Illinois) as well as other Illinois and out-of-state libraries (WorldCat). Renewals and loan periods are set by the lending library.
Find More Illinois

Can't find it at Lincolnwood Library or in our Library group CCS? Search the Find More Illinois shared catalog to locate things to read, watch, or listen to and have them delivered directly to you in Lincolnwood.
WorldCat & Statewide Illinois Library Catalog (FirstSearch)

Request to Purchase
If you have a suggestion for us to add to our collection, please fill out our request to purchase form.
Explore electronic copies
Many physical items are also available in our digital library. Check out our ebook and eaudiobook collection.

Comics Plus - Children's Library

Comics Plus - Full Content

Comics Plus - Teen Library

EBSCO eBooks K-8 Collection

This e-book collection supports a quality learning experience for K-8 students across all subject areas taught in elementary and middle schools.
EBSCO eBooks Public Library Subscription Collection

Access to high-quality e-books covering a wide range of topics such as self-help, fitness, games, hobbies, and cooking. This general reference e-book collection features titles for both adults and juveniles.

Libby/Digital Library of Illinois

Literary Reference Source

Full-text literary database covering all genres and time periods. It includes thousands of synopses, critical essays, book reviews, literary journals, and author biographies, plus full-text classic novels, short stories, and poems.

LOTE4Kids is a database of digital picture books in World Languages that allows kids and their families to enjoy the magic of books in over 65+ world languages.
MasterFILE Complete

Broad collection of popular full-text magazines and reference books. Magazines include People, Better Homes and Gardens, TIME, and Newsweek.
MasterFILE Premier Reference eBook Collection

Contains reference books covering a broad range of general reference subjects, including biography, history, architecture, literature, cooking, health and wellness, science, self-help, religion, current events, sports, travel and more.
myLIBRO app


NoveList K-8

Find just the right book by subject, age, awards won, books made into movies, and much more. Read reviews and learn about the author. Create your own reading wish list.

WorldCat & Statewide Illinois Library Catalog (FirstSearch)