Irregular WiFi

We are experiencing irregular WiFi issues connecting to personal devices. Public desktop computers are available for internet access. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue! 

Reading Programs

Summer Reading

The annual Summer Reading program encourages people of all ages to read throughout the busy summer months. Prizes and special events make the program extra fun and exciting, but our main goal is for the Lincolnwood community to get excited about reading and learning new things. Summer Reading provides a chance for everyone to explore books and develop new interests. Reading has been proven to reduce stress, help improve memory, and foster empathy. 

Stop by the Youth and Teen Services or Adult Services reference desks at the Library in May and June to learn more, or you can sign up on Beanstack.


Beanstack white heart on teal background logo

Beanstack is a platform for tracking reading to encourage everyone to have fun while learning. You'll be able to track your reading anywhere you go with a free account for Summer Reading and more.

View Resource Resource Guide

Upcoming Events

This event is in the "Tweens & Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.
Virtual Event
Library Branch: Virtual
Age Group: Tweens & Teens, Adults
Program Type: Book Discussions, Crafts, Hobbies & DIY, STEAM, Adult Learning
Program Details:

Alexis Nikole Nelson is a forager and an outdoor educator using her platforms, TikTok account alexisnikole and Instagram page blackforager, to celebrate all the edible plants hiding in plain sight.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Monday Morning Book Discussion (R) (Hybrid)

11:00am - 12:00pm
Library Branch: Lincolnwood Library
Room: Meeting Room A
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Book Discussions
Registration Required
Program Details:

This month we will be reading Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Books in the Woods (R) (Hybrid)

7:00pm - 8:00pm
Library Branch: Lincolnwood Library
Room: Meeting Room B
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Book Discussions
Registration Required
Program Details:

This month we will be reading I Cheerfully Refuse by Leif Enger.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Monday Morning Book Discussion (R) (Hybrid)

11:00am - 12:00pm
Library Branch: Lincolnwood Library
Room: Meeting Room A
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Book Discussions
Registration Required
Program Details:

This month we will be reading Lula Dean's Little Library of Banned Books by Kirsten Miller.

Lincolnwood Reads

Join the Lincolnwood community of readers as we open the same books and close them with a deeper understanding of an annually chosen central topic. Participate in Lincolnwood Reads by exploring a book, attending enriching events, and coming together during this shared experience. Look out for more information about Lincolnwood Reads each winter.

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Parents and caregivers are the first and best education providers during the 0-5 early critical years. The 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge is a simple and manageable endeavor — read a book, any book, to your child, with the goal of reading 1,000 before kindergarten. Through this program, you can help your little one blossom into a budding reader by promoting positive reading habits, encouraging caregiver and child bonding through reading, and helping to build early learning skills during a vital developmental stage. 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten runs throughout the year.

Sign up for the program on Beanstack or visit the Youth and Teen Services desk to get started.

Books and more!

Need help picking out books to get you going on your reading journey? Visit our Read page for ideas, or stop by one of our service desks and a librarian will gladly help you with suggestions.

Interested in trying out a reading device? Our Library of Things collection houses Kindles pre-loaded with tons of content taylored for your reading tastes. 

Kindle eReaders
Kindles come pre-loaded with librarian selections depending on their edition. We have: Best Seller, Elementary, Fiction, Middle Grade, Nonfiction, and Teen & YA Kindles. Kindles are optimized for reading with long battery life.
Check It Out More Details