Excel Level 2: Learn to work with formulas, data filtering, and basic tables in Microsoft Excel. Follow along with the example file shown by clicking this link.
4000 W. Pratt Ave.
Lincolnwood, IL 60712
United States
Excel Level 2: Learn to work with formulas, data filtering, and basic tables in Microsoft Excel. Follow along with the example file shown by clicking this link.
Excel Level 1: Learn the basics of Microsoft Excel from opening it up to navigating its rows, columns, cells and worksheets to entering and editing data, autocomplete, and more.
Learn how to use Microsoft Word for typing documents!
Use your Lincolnwood Library card to log in to Ancestry Library Edition, Heritage Quest, and the Chicago Tribune’s historical collection in the library or at home.
Join Lincolnwood Library genealogy expert Kate as she discusses how you can use Google’s $0.00 free Google Books service for your genealogy and family history research.
Many libraries including Lincolnwood encourage parents to read their children at least 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, and in this video we discuss that program, and demo how to use the Library
Kids and parents share the technological world, so it’s important to make it a positive environment.
Selecting what our families and children watch is important to learning, and in this class video we take you through using library resources and technology to be able to select the best books, movies, TV shows, and more for those you are caring for.
Leading off our series of technology lessons for parents and caregivers of kids, we start with setting expectations for how you and your family will use technology together responsibly with some things for you to think about, questions to ask yourself, and tools and resources to consult for more
Use your Lincolnwood Library card for Joann Fabrics’ online video lessons service to nurture your creative side with thousands of classes on painting, knitting, sewing, crafting, and more.
Use your Lincolnwood Library card to log in to this language learning application.
Amazon Kindle Fire devices can download Overdrive from the Amazon App Store to use your Lincolnwood Library card to access Digital Library of Illinois ebooks.
You can use your Lincolnwood Library card to access the ebooks we share with the Digital Library of Illinois with its mobile app Libby.
The Blue Yeti Microphone is a USB connected external microphone that is guaranteed to improve your audio quality. Best of all, its plug & play so there is no extra software needed to use it.
Lincolnwood, IL residents can check out a GoPro Hero action camera and/or GoPro accessories from the Lincolnwood Library Library of Things collection, and this brief overview gives you an idea of how they all work.
If you need to record something, Lincolnwood, IL residents can check out an H5 recorder and/or XLR microphone cables from the Lincolnwood Library device collection - the Library of Things.
This brief overview shows how you can use the Lincolnwood Library Kodak Scanza to digitize analog content.
Learn how to set up the over-the-air antenna that Lincolnwood, IL residents can check out from the Library of Things collection at the Lincolnwood Library.